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CES 64: Live Play by Play

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

Travis Lizotte "Full Contact Writer

We made it to the Connecticut Convention Center just in time for the opening bell, this might be a little rough going until we get settled in but follow us throughout the night for all the updates as we see it live from CES 64.

Charra Phon vs. Aaron Reese


Round 1: Reese takes the center of the cage and comes out behind the jab to start this one. Reese mixes in some low leg kicks and is returned with a kick to the body by Phon. Feints from Reese initiate a combination from Phon as these guys are taking their time getting their distance. Reese lands a front kick that backs Charra to the fence but Phon bounces off the fence firing shots of his own. The rest of round one is pretty slow with both guys still respecting one another. 10-9 Reese but hard to score.

Round 2: Reese starts round 2 with a low kick that knocks Charra to the mat, Reese follows but allows Charra back to his feet where they are happy to trade a few more kicks. These guys are really not showing the willingness to commit to anything so far...and as I say that Charra fires a high kick but it is followed by more feints by both fighters and not a lot of commitment by either fighter...the ten second clapper sounds with little to score in this round as well. 10-9 Reese.

Round 3: Charra comes out behind his jab and is met with a stiff return from Reese, Reese adds a side kick and opens up a little here but a groin strike halts the first real action for a minute. On the restart Charra shoots for the takedown but Reese stuffs and returns a kick on way up. A couple more trips around the cage and these guys trade some kicks but I'm still looking for these guys to commit to something as the end draws near. Reese lands a shot that sends Charra to a knee before they return to striking distance to finish the fight. 10-9 Reese but again nothing from either guy said I wanna win this fight...

Decision: Aaron Reese defeats Charra Phon by Unanimous Decision (30-27 x 3)

David Durao vs. Isreal Galvan


Round 1: Galvan comes out behind low leg kicks and some nice crisp striking, Durao answers with a front kick but is returned with fire from Galvan as Galvan gets the takedown against the cage. Durao is working from his back with Galvan in his guard as he accepts some sharp shots to the ribs from Galvan. Durao tries to push Galvan off with butterfly hooks and up kicks but Galvan returns to his top position and is looking to solve the butterfly guard of Durao. Durao pushes off and Galvan lands a downkick after the bell. 10-9 Galvan.

Round 2: The southpaw Galvan looks to back Durao up from the bell, Durao attempts a flying knee and falls to the canvas and Galvan is back on top. Durao closes up his guard but Isreal is still finding room to land short shots from the top. Durao scrambles out and returns to the feet swinging but Galvan is all over him for another takedown nullifying any offense Durao could muster. Galvan ends the round by posturing up and landing some ground and pound that lasts through the bell...again... 10-9 Galvan.

Round 3: Galvan answers the third round bell aggressively punching his way into another double leg takedown that gets Durao to the mat where Galvan is looking to take the back. Galvan transitions to Durao's back and locks in a figure four body lock and begins to work on the neck of Durao. Durao is looking to walk the fence and turn into Galvan but Galvan is wise to it and stays tight to the back of Durao. Durao gets Galvan off his back but Galvan winds up back on top in Durao's guard yet again. Durao desperately tries to get back to his feet as the final seconds tick away. 10-9 Galvan

Decision: Isreal Galvan defeats David Durao by Unanimous Decision (30-26 x 3)

Nate Ghareeb vs. Eduardo Rodrigues


Round 1: Nate comes out swinging and Rodrigues clinches and puts him on the cage, Ghareeb uses punches to turn the action and he now has Rodrigues on the cage landing some knees and punches. Ghareeb lands some shots that send Rodrigues to the canvas where Ghareeb peppers his legs with sharp kicks before backing off and letting Eduardo back to his feet. Rodrigues comes forward with an overhand right but Nate is right there to return fire. Nate lands a low leg kick that puts Rodrigues back to the mat where he recieves more punnishment before Ghareeb lets him up. Rodrigues initiates the clinch and Nate takes him to the canvas, postures up and lands heavy ground and pound that warrents the stoppage from referee John English.

Decision: Nate Ghareeb defeats Eduardo Rodrigues by TKO (Ground Strikes) at 4:31 of the first round!

Harris Bonfiglio vs. Kyle Lindner


Round 1: They touch gloves and Lindner fires a kick and takes Bonfiglio down and is looking for an Anaconda choke. Somehow Bonfiglio survives and gets back to his feet where they clinch on the fence. They return to the center of the cage and Harris fires a clean headkick that rocks Lindner, Bonfiglio follows Lindner to the mat where he starts with ground and pound and finishes with a Rear Naked Choke for the tap.

Decision: Harris Bonfiglio defeats Kyle Lindner by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 2:14 of round one. That headkick looked pretty sick from this angle, what a performance by Bonfiglio!

Alexandra Ballou vs. Gabriella Gulfin

Women's Flyweight

Round 1: Alexandra comes out with a combination and its returned to no avail by Gulfin and they clinch against the cage. Ballou has Gulfins back against the cage and is looking to take this one to the mat, but Gulfin turns the action and Ballou now finds her back against the fence. But that doesn't last long Ballou regains control and fires some knees as they split and return to range. Once at range the girls take turns exchanging jabs, Gulfin backs Ballou up with a combination and puts her on the fence again in the clinch. They split and trade shots as the round ends, Ballou connects with a right to the sound of the bell. 10-9 Ballou.

Round 2: Gulfin comes out in the second looking to test the chin of Ballou slinging leather from the bell. Ballou looks to establish the jab to keep distance before clinching Gulfin against the cage. Ballou lands a knee that gets Gulfins attention and Gulfin takes Ballou down briefly but cannot do much of anything before Ballou returns to her feet. Gulfin shoots for a single leg now but eats some elbows in the process but Gulfin looks to transition to the back of Ballou before finishing the round on top. 10-9 Gulfin.

Round 3: Gulfin comes out on fire again in the third and again Ballou looks to settle in behind her jab. Now these girls are in the center of the cage trading combinations, as this fight heads down the stretch Gulfin lands a nice overhand right. Ballou answers with a right hand of her own and this one is still very muchup in the air. Strikes by Gulfin have opened a cut on the cheek of Ballou as Gabby looks like she has settled in here. With under a minute to go Gulfin takes Ballou down where she works from the guard of Ballou, Ballou returns elbows but it looks like it may be too late as the fight ends. 10-9 Gulfin.

Decision: Gabriella Gulfin defeats Alexandra Ballou by Split-Decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Eddy George vs. Rodolfo Barcellos


Round 1: Barcellos holds his glove out and Eddy wants no part of the touch and begins to go to work on the clearly bigger Barcellos. George is tuning him up on the feet early, George's shots send Barcellos to the mat numerous times and Kevin MacDonald has seen enough of this.

Decision: Eddy George defeats Rodalfo Barcellos by TKO (Strikes) at 1:27 of round one. Another striking clinic by Eddy George as he remains undefeated (4-0) with 4 knockouts.

Justin Sumter vs. Albert Tadevosyan


Round 1: Albert comes out with a low leg kick but Justin fires back with a combination that closes the distance and Justin takes Albert down. Albert uses the fence to stand up but eats shome shots for his troubles including an elbow over the top from Sumter. They split and Sumter lands a knee up the middle that sits Albert down, Sumter hops on top looking to finish but Albert defends. Sumter transitions to the back and with a little work sinks in the Rear Naked Choke for the tap. Huge showing here for Sumter who needed a win in a bad way and not only did he get that win, he did so in impressive fashion.

Decision: Justin Sumter defeats Albert Tadevosyan by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 2:23 of the first round. Awesome to see Justin Sumter perform to his once top-prospect expectations tonight against a tough opponent, hopefully this is a sign of things to come for "The Fort."

Gary Balletto Jr. vs. Daniel Frunza


Round 1: Frunza comes out with a couple low leg kicks and they exchange wildly. Balletto then drops Frunza with a thunderous overhand right that opens up Frunza and knocks him to the mat. As Frunza looks to gain his wits, Balletto hops on his back and with some quick work Balletto sinks his forearm under the chin of Frunza to get the tap!

Decision: Gary Balletto Jr. defeats Daniel Frunza by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 1:56 of the first round! Great showing by Gary Balletto Jr.

Joshua Smith vs. Jay Perrin

Bantamweight World Title

Round 1: Josh comes out throwing kicks and punches and Perrin answers with a kick of his own before Smith shoots for the takedown. It appears Perrin has some blood on his left cheek as Perrin works to get off the ground. Perrin stands but is taken back down by the champion. Perrin reverses and hops into side control as he looks to even this round up. Smith looks to stand but Perrin is controlling the head, finally Smith stands but Perrin takes him down. Smith sweeps to the top and looks for the anaconda choke as Perrin defends and returns to the feet. Perrin comes up empty on a high kick but connects on a right hand that touches the chin of Smith and Perrin takes him down where the round ends. 10-9 Perrin.

Round 2: Jay comes out with a combination in the second, finishing to the body of Smith. They clinch on the cage and Perrin takes him down and takes the back of Smith looking to finish. Jay transitions to mount and back to the back and this time the choke is deep and the Champion goes to SLEEP!

Decision: Jay Perrin defeats Josh Smith by Technical Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 1:27 of the second round to capture the CES Bantamweight World title, adding the CES strap to his Cage Titans Bantamweight title...Uncle Dana do not deny this guy anymore, Jay Perrin belongs in the UFC!

Matt Bessette vs. Ryan Dela Cruz

Featherweight World Title

Round 1: Bessette comes forward first with a combination as he looks to touch Dela Cruz early. They trade leg kicks as Matt continues to stalk Dela Cruz around the cage seemingly landing at will here. Dela Cruz is standing very flat footed as the Mangler methodically looks to pick him apart. Dela Cruz finally lands a left hand to the face of Bessette but Matt backs him to the fence landing more tactically placed shots. A combination that ends with a lead uppercut from Bessette hurts Dela Cruz as Matt is beating him up on the feet and against the fence. Bessette follows a spinning kick with another brutal lead uppercut as the round ends. 10-9 Bessette.

Round 2: Dela Cruz lands a jab to begin the second as Bessette looks to regain his range. Bessette misses on a flying knee attempt that gets a roar out of the crowd. Bessettes striking looks excellent tonight as he continues to put together steady combinations. Another combination crumbles Dela Cruz and Bessette follows him to the mat where he takes the back of the Hawaiian. Bessette looks for the choke but transitions slickly to an armbar attempt before returning to the back. Dela Cruz is doing a great job defending the choke as he rolls to a hip and looks to stand but Bessette is making him pay with brutal shots. 10-8 Bessette.

Round 3: Bessette starts round three with more clinical striking including a glancing headkick and a ton more volume from the Mangler. Dela Cruz looks for any escape from the striking of Bessette and clinches with Bessette on the cage. That doesn't last long before Bessette is back at range landing more heavy leather. Bessette is not discriminating here, kicks, punches and knees to the legs body and head. Bessette takes Dela Cruz down now and looks to inflict more damage with some damning elbows that get Dela Cruz to give his back once again. Bessette takes a page out of his round 2 tactics and transitions to the armbar then he transitions to the reverse triangle for the tap.

Decision: Matt Bessette defeats Ryan Dela Cruz by Submission (Reverse Triangle) at 4:48 of the third round to claim the CES Lightweight World Title and becomes the first Double Champion in CES MMA history. Matt Bessette proceeds to retire inside the CES cage following the win. Bessette retires from MMA competition the reigning CES Featherweight and Lightweight Champion! Thank You Matt Bessette, anyone who knows me knows I always toe the line when it comes to media, but I have always been a Matt Bessette fan and will miss the Champion!

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