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CES 71: Live Play-by-Play

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

Welcome to Twin Rivers Casino for CES 71

CES is hosting Mitch Raposo vs. Flavio Carvalho for the CES Flyweight Championship tonight (11/18) at the Bally's Twin River Casino in Lincoln, RI. The flyweight belt is up for grabs as these two hungry individuals clash under the bright lights at CES 71. The co-main event will be just as thrilling as Southampton's Nate Ghareeb and Ohio's Antonio Castillo Jr. battle it out for the CES Lightweight Championship. Stay tuned as other local studs like Dion Rubio and The Russian Polar Bear, Yuri Panferov are also on the main card. Both of these guys look to put on yet another great performance to stay undefeated as they both seek to climb to 4-0. Follow along LIVE for some play-by-play action!!


Light Heavyweight

Jon Ciampa (0-0) vs. Jerell Nettles (0-1)

Round 1: Ciampa comes out with much energy and a fast pace to start as he works the clinch and gets Nettles to the ground. Ciampa works through the tough wrist control of Nettles and its slow on the ground as Ciampa looks to free his arms. Ciampa slips an arm and immediately goes to ground and pound but finds himself wrapped up again. Nettles works to get the top position and shortly after, Ciampa ties him up from the bottom and gets the guillotine. Referee Kevin MacDonald doesn't see much from Nettles and stops the fight.

Result: Ciampa defeats Nettles by technical submission (guillotine choke), 2:17 of Round 1.


Shane Dillehay (0-0) vs. Kamil Meler (0-0)

Round 1: The crowd is electric for the pro day debut of Dillehay. This fight quickly starts in the clinch as Shane looks to take Meler down. Dillehay gets him on the ground and takes mount position. Meler gets back up and Dillehay takes him down again, this time taking his back. Shane looks to get his hooks in but Meler defends them well. Dillehay flattens him and immediately starts with the ground and pound. Dillehay lands his good ones and referee Bryan Miner has seen enough. Dillehay gets the win via ground and pound.

Result: Shane Dillehay defeats Kemil Meler by TKO 2:33 into Round 1.

Light Heavyweight

Yuri Panferov (3-0) vs. Brian Imes (8-12)

Round 1: They come out SWINGING. Yuri lands a nice overhand to start the fight. The fight ends up on the ground as Yuri works from the top. Imes keeps the distance between them small by holding the neck of Panferov. Small exchanges from the ground as both look to improve their posture. Yuri ends up in full mount and lets it rain on Brian Imes. Imes improves his position but quickly finds himself right underneath the power shots and ground and pound of Yuri again. It doesn't take long before Imes is helpless and referee Kevin MacDonald ends the fight.

Result: Yuri Panferov defeats Brian Imes by TKO 2:21 into the very first round.


Dion Rubio (3-0) vs. Kaecy Raddon (2-0)

Round 1: These two come out BANGIN. The striking of Raddon is sharp. Dion works into the clinch and takes Raddon down. Dion is active from the top landing short strikes. Raddon is a bandit on the ground and won't give Rubio any easy position. Dion looks for the back but Raddon escapes. Dion looks for a heel hook submission for a quick second but loses it. Raddon ends up on top and looks for full mount then side mount but Rubio makes it tough. As Raddon tries to get to his feet, Dion slips a tight guillotine. Raddon escapes and ends up in full mount but doesn't do much with his position. Raddon lands some heavy shots at the end of Round 1 but Rubio makes it through. Close round but I'm saying 10-9 Raddon.

Round 2: The round begins with small exchanges and skirmishes. These two end up on the feet again and work the clinch. Raddon has Rubio backed against the cage and Dion looks for a guillotine. He gets it in real tight and sits down with it, trying to apply as much pressure as possible. Raddon sneaks out. Rubio ends up on top and works some ground and pound. These two are noticably getting drained from such high output. Dion works on the ground looking to gain any position but Raddon is still making it very tough. Raddon ends up on top and lands some heavy ground and pound and eventually finishes Rubio and referee Bryan Miner waves this one off.

Result: Raddon defeats Rubio by TKO in Round #2.

Co-Main Event

CES Lightweight Championship

Nate Ghareeb (6-2) vs. Antonio Castillo Jr. (13-15)

Round 1: These two are dialed in. They begin to find their range and feel each other out. Antonio throws a leg kick. They end up on the ground shortly after and then the clinch once they get up. Nate has the dominant position as Antonio is pinned against the cage. Nate works some elbows from the clinch then they free up from each other. Nate leads with a striking exchange then seeks to take Antonio to the mat. Antonio won't give in so Nate lands more elbows to the head. Antonio grounds Nate but Nate gets right back to his feet. Small striking exchanges with some kicks here. The intensity is picking up within these exchanges and the bell rings. Close, close round. 10-9 Ghareeb.

Round 2: Nate throws a head kick to open the round. Then a body kick. Here we now have a kick boxing moment before Nate's takedown attempt is stuffed. Nate lands some nice shots from the clinch and they free up again. Nate takes him down and looks for the back of Antonio but Antonio once again doesn't make it easy. Nate works his position to grab a leg from Antonio and submits him via Suloev Stretch.

Result: Nate Ghareeb defeats Antonio Castillo Jr. by Suloev Stretch 3:30 into Round 2. Ghareeb is now the CES Lightweight World Champion.

*Antonio Castillo Jr. announces that he will be hanging up the gloves after a 14 year run with MMA*

Main Event

CES Flyweight Championship

Mitch Raposo (6-1) vs. Flavio Carvalho (7-4-1)

Round 1: These two begin feeling each other out early on. Flavio is not scared of closing the distance between himself and Mitch. Both are throwing fun combinations early on. Mitch picks Flavio up and dumps him on his back. They both get back up quickly. Mitch's leg kicks are doing a number on the front leg of Flavio. Mitch lands with some heavy shots in his combinations. Mitch goes for another double leg and dumps Flavio once again. Mitch lets Flavio back up and lands a HEAVY shot to the chin. Mitch looks sharp. Mitch lands another leg kick. Raposo lands another good shot with about 10 seconds left but Flavio is still there and we go to Round 2. 10-9 Raposo.

Round 2: Mitch lands one hard and heavy shot to KO Flavio seconds after the bell rings. Mitch wins via viscous KO.

Result: Mitch Raposo defeats Flavio Carvalho by KO :19 into Round 2. Mitch Raposo becomes the CES Flyweight Champion.

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