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COMBAT FC is live! Follow along for live updates

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Combat FC 2 takes over New England tonight with a stacked card from start to finish. With over 2,000 tickets sold to tonights event, expect the crowd to be heard from miles away!

Zach Danesh VS Tristan Turano

AM-165 (3x3)

Round 1 : Both men come out ready to stand and bang. In the brief exchange Zach drops Tristan. Both men landing strikes as the first round ends with them clinching agaisnt the fence and a brief scramble on the ground before the bell rings

Round 2: Round 2 is over just as quick as it started. Tristan lands a lower leg kick and a solid cross that drops Danesh and the ref jumps in to stop the fight

RESULTS: Tristan Turano by KO :21 seconds into Round 2

CFC Vacant Welterweight Championship

AM - Welterweight (5x3)

Round 1: both men start standing and throwing punches before Jon Viruet gets the takedown. Dimitri uses his legs to push Jon off and they get back to their feet. D gets caught with a solid jab as he enters with a leg kick. Jon uses his wrestling to change levels and drop D to the ground again. back to the feet and after a brief exchange Jon lands another solid takedown. Viruet spends the rest of the round on top controlling the ground game and avoiding triangle attempts by Dimitri.

Viruet lands a flurry of punches and as he almost finishes the fight the bell rings

Round 2 : Viruet shows his speed advantage landing jabs to start the round. After another successful takedown. Jon Viruet finishes the fight by taking the back and flattening out Dimitri . A couple undefended strikes to the head and the ref jumps in.

Results : Jon Viruet by TKO Round 2

AM- Flyweight (3x3)

Round 1: A touch of the gloves starts the fight. Julian lands a solid leg kick and Conor level changes, swoops in and lands the takedown. After some top control, conor swops around to the back and ends the fight with a rear naked choke.

Results : Conor Hews by Submission :58 seconds of Round 1

Pro - Heavyweight (3x5)

Round 1: Jeff gets caught early with a punch that sends him into takedown mode Most of the round is spent with Jeff holding Lombardo against the cage and trying to secure the takedown. Eats a few elbows during the round.

Round 2 : Kind of a repeat of round 1 where Jeff is trying hard to secure the takedown. Max able to stand his ground against the cage and stay on his feet.

Round 3 : Final round sees more of the same. Great job to Max for staying on his feet and landing shots while defending takedown attempt after takedown attempt

Results : Max Lombardo By Unanimous Decision

AM - Featherweight (3x3)

Round 1: Nestor came to finish the fight quick and after a very brief exchange of the hands, Nestor drops Rosa with a solid right to end the match in round one

Results : Nestor Yuja by by KO :13 seconds round 1

AM - Lightweight (3x3)

Round 1: Both men get right to action mixing it right away. Everything from grappling against the cage to heavy leg kicks gets the round started. The momentum tum swings in Jarrod's favor when he lands a solid cross and sends Joe stumbling back. Jarrod smells blood and goes in for the finish.

A couple combos of knees and punches gets the job done as the ref jumps in to stop the fight.

Results : Jarrod TKO 1:34 of round 1

Pro - Middleweight (3x5)

Round 1: A quick stand up battles turns into a massive punch that lands from Stengel sending Reynolds to the ground.

Results : Stengel by TKO 14 seconds into round 1

Pro - 160 (3x5)

Round 1: Bruce comes out firing leg kicks as Bulger maintains distance. Bulger lands a nice shot and RIchards falls to the ground. Bulger waste no time in capitalizing and ladns a HUGE knee that would of put most men out cols. RIchards shows his toughness by battling through it. Bulger doesn' slow his attack at all and after some scrambling on the ground he is able to lock in a rear Naked Choke.

Results : Mike Bulger Submission 1:46 of Round 1

Pro - 175 (3x5)

Round 1: Pike goes in for a takedown right away. Probably trying to avoid Sanads reach, but almost gets caught in a guillotine right away.He is able to fight out of it but Sanad is able to show off his submission skills by locking in a Triangle choke and getting the tap in round 1.

Results : Sanad Armou Submission :45 seconds of round 1

Results : cancelled bout

Pro - Lightweight (3x5)

Round 1: Dennings and Almeida get right to action as both land nice shots. Almeida is able to get control against the cage. Denning does good at stopping the takedown but the wrestling of alemida shows and he lands a huge slam the erupts the crowd. After a battle on the ground, Almeida is able to lock in a head & arm choke and get the victory.

Results : Rodrigo Almeida by Submission 1:46 into round 1

Pro - Welterweight (3x5)

Round 1:

Results : KO of the Night! Aaron Trecell, round 1

Pro - 140 (3x5)

Round 1: The crowd ERUPTS when Pillla comes out. He definitely brought the city into the arena to cheer him on and he delivered! A quick exchange and Pilla drops Krejci. Pilla locks in the guillotine and its over just like that. the building erupts louder then its been all night!

Results : Pilla :23 seconds Round 1

Jay Bakanowski vs Jacob Bohn (Co-Main Event)

Pro - Lightweight (3x5)

Round 1: This fight has the crowd hyped! Both men showing great distance control, Bohn trips up Jay with a leg kick early. Jay quickly back to his feet. Bohn gets skimmed with a head kick as jay rushes in throwing knees and trying to finish the fight. Bohn quickly grabs the arm and threatens a submission, then battles back to his feet. at one point Bohn gets dropped with a straight and is able to withstand a flurry of ground and pound and get back to his feet. Bohns wrestling is really being showcased here!

Round 2 : Round 2 you can feel the momentum switching over to Bohn as his strikes are landing more efficiently. It is a back and forth battle as both men showing toughness and pushing through anything thrown their way. At one point Bohn had a guillotine locked in deep almost finishing the fight. Bakanowski is able to slide into side control and eliminate the threat of a submission.

Round 3 : Round 3 is an all out brawl. This is what the fans came for. Both men left it all on the line landing heavy shots, defending takedowns and ending the fight with a flurry of punches. Close fight, the crowd awaits the decision

Results : Jacob Bohn by Decision (Fight of the Night Award)

Pro - Welterweight (3x5)

Round 1:

Round 2 :

Results : Gesias Cavalcante By Submission Guillotine 3:41 of Round 2

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