Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to witness some of the best showdowns New England has to offer! Combat Zone 79 is going to be a night filled with non-stop action, as some of the best mixed martial artists go head-to-head in the octagon. This is not your ordinary fight night - this is a chance for the fighters to change their lives.
The energy is will be electric, the crowd is will be on their feet, and the anticipation is palpable as these fierce fighters get ready to step into the cage.
Headlining the event is a highly featherweight bout between Connor Matthews and Andrew Cruz. This is guaranteed to be a banger as both are looking to make a statement and establish themselves the next contender in the UFC. Andrew has gone gone 4-1 in his last 5 and Matthews has gone 5-1 in his last 6. Matthews was close to locking in a UFC contract before. Here is his chance again at Combat Zone. Can't wait for this one!
In the co-main event, two talented Lightweights will go head-to-head in a battle for supremacy, with the winner potentially earning a shot at a a big contract. Undefeated Eddy George fighting out of Connecticut takes on Jerome Featherstone traveling up from Maryland to join this battle. George is a beast finishing 4 out of his 5 victorious, he goes in for the finish everytime! FeatherStone also only needed the judges once with his 4 victories. Im guessing the judges wont be needed in this one either,
Don't Blink on this one as undefeated Light Heavyweight Yuri Panferov takes on Davis Oracio Jr. Panferov will have his hands full as Oracio is riding a 2 fight win streak with both coming by finish. Light Heavyweights pack some serious stopping power, expect bombs in this one!
A Massive fight here between former UFC fighter Kris Moutinho takes on Antonio Castillo JR. Moutinho will have the crowd on his side as he fights right out of Massachusetts. Castillo is 4-2 in his last 6 and hoping to add another win to that record. Expect Violence!
Fighting out of New Hampshire, Brendon Marotte takes on Dion Rubio. Out of the combines 11 pro fights they have been in, only 3 have went to decision. Both men will come out with one thing on their mind and thats getting the finish here at Combat Zone 79
New England Cartel up and comer, Tom Pagliarulo has really made a name for himself lately. Finishing all 5 of his wins before the bell, and most of those being in the first round, you know when Pagliarulo is out there, you are going to get an action packed fight for as long as it last. His opponent Cody Zappone has also finished all his wins, and riding a 2 fight win streak he carries some nice momentum into this battle. Potential for fight of the night!
Here we have 2 massive welterweights with Trevor Gudde who recently challenged for a regional championship taking on Undefeated Mike Benzanson. Benzanson only needed 3 minutes to end his last fight and ALL of Gudde's victories have come in the first round. Another fight you can not blink while watching cause someone is getting finished here.
Georges Kopa comes from South Carolina and into enemy territory as he takes on New Englands own Ramano Medina fighting out of Manchester NH. Don't let Medina's 1-0 record fool ya, he has plenty of combat experience with many amateur fights and even dabbling in Muay Thai fights and other combat sports. Kopa however has showed he can hang in there for as many rounds as his opponent can. Great matchup that is a must see!
One of the most anticipated fights is Fernanda Arujo vs Kylie O'Hearn. Wow, both being from New England, this one is sure to have the crowd pumped up and split. Who are you rooting for in this one?
Opening the Main Card is Hugo Marques vs Jose Gallegos. A lightweight battle that will be a great way to kick off the pro section with 2 up and comers ready to make a name for themselves.
The undercard is equally stacked with exciting matchups, featuring a mix of rising stars and seasoned veterans. Fans can expect to see explosive knockouts, slick submissions, and intense back-and-forth battles throughout the night.
Autumn Newcomb Defends her Amateur CZ Flyweight Championship against Ashley Barrett. Talk about action, This one will be full of it. Be in your seats when this goes down!
Lucas Moreira takes on Jideofor Ojukwu in the prelims. At 185 both fighters pack some serious power and with a fired up crowd like i know Boston will provide, this should be another great fight to open the card with.
First up to get the crowd ready is someone who you should get to remember the name. Saheeb Jackson, fighting out of Tri-Force has quickly been making a name for himself in the region. Here to test out those skills is a tough night out for anyone, Mr Mike Jolicoeur. Mike has been crushing it in the MMA and the Kickboxing scene. It's wild to think that this will open that card and definitely has a chance to be Fight of the Night right off the bat!
Combat Zone MMA 79 is not just another fight night, it's an opportunity to witness the future of MMA and experience the passion and dedication of the fighters as they put everything on the line to achieve victory. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just a casual observer, this is an event not to be missed.
So sit back, buckle up, and get ready for a night you'll never forget. This is Combat Zone 79, and the action is about to begin!