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Premier FC 30: Casey v. Ji Live Play-By-Play

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

Travis Lizotte "Full Contact Writer"

Springfield, Massachusetts - We are live cage side from the MassMutual center in downtown Springfield, Massachusetts for Premier FC 30. Stay tuned to for live round by round coverage as it goes down from Premier FC 30. There is plenty of buzz in the room as UFC Hall of Famers Mark Coleman and Matt Hughes are in attendance and we are close to starting what promises to be an exciting night of action here at Premier!

There are four submission only grappling matches to proceed the MMA portion of tonight's card, we will announce the winners of each match but will not be doing play by play for grappling matches.

Grappling match 1: Jamie Doyle wins by rear naked choke.

Grappling Match 2: Gianna Daniele wins by Armbar.

Bout 1: Amateur Featherweight

Kevin Hampton (Debut, Ali’s Basement) v. Ron Roman (Debut, Fighting Arts Academy)

Round 1: Roman comes out with kicks and looks to dictate the pace, Hampton fires kicks in return but Roman looks to be getting the better of the work on the feet. Hampton recognizes he is getting outclassed on the feet and takes Roman down with a double leg but it is Roman threatening a leg lock from his back as Hampton lands some fists to the body of the grounded Roman. Hampton breaks the leg lock and they scramble to their feet and are against the fence as the round ends. 10-9 Roman. Close round.

Round 2: At the beginning of the second round Hampton is bleeding from the right eye as Roman continues to pick him apart on the feet as Roman slips to his back and Hampton gets on top and Roman is threatening a deep armbar that almost gets the stoppage but Hampton escapes and is mounted by Roman. Roman ends the round on top raining down some heavy ground and pound from mount. 10-9 Roman.

Round 3: Roman is clearly the fresher fighter entering the third as he comes out with a right hand that sits Hampton down and Roman goes to work from the top. Roman works to high mount and is damaging Hampton from the top but Hampton is able to escape to his feet but it is short lived as they return to the ground with Roman on the back of Hampton. Roman sinks in a deep Rear Naked Choke for the tap.

Decision: Ron Roman defeats Kevin Hampton by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 2:11 of the third round.

Bout 2: Amateur Heavyweight

Gage Capen (1-2) v. Max Lombardo (Debut, Cage JSA)

Round 1: Gage comes out behind jabs and looks for the takedown, Max stuffs the takedown and lands heavy in the clinch knocking Capen to the canvas where Lombardo follows for a vicious stoppage with dominant ground and pound!

Decision: Max Lombardo defeats Gage Capen by TKO (Unanswered Strikes on the Ground) at 35 seconds of the first round!

Bout 3: Amateur Bantamweight

Jessen Ramcharan (1-1, Renzo Gracie) v. Broderick Matticks (1-1, Thornton’s)

Round 1: Jessen comes out looking for a quick takedown Matticks stuffs and lands some strikes, they clinch and exchange blows as these guys are going to work with strikes. Jessen lands a takedown and Matticks grabs the neck threatening the guillotine but Jessen transitions to Matticks' back and is looking to do damage but Mastticks returns to his feet and looks to strikes from the clinch. Jessen takes Matticks down and is once again on the back of Matticks here he establishes hooks and sinks in the rear naked choke as the 10 second clap sounds, Matticks taps immediately.

Decision: Jessen Ramcharan defeats Broderick Matticks by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 2:53 of the first round.

Bout 4: Amateur Lightweight

Isaac Carlson (Debut, NESF) v. Brandon Murphy (2-2, Boxing Gym)

Round 1: Murphy comes out landing jabs at will and stalking Carlson around the cage, they make one trip around the cage and Murphy lands a left headkick that turns the lights out on Carlson as he lay starched in the center of the cage.

Decision: Brandon Murphy defeats Isaac Carlson by Knockout (Headkick) at 19 seconds of the first round.

Bout 5: Amateur Flyweight Title

Jake Bagley (3-1, Nostos MMA) v. Guilherme Crossi (4-0, Marcellos)

Round 1: Crossi is the first to touch but Bagley is quick to return some big left hands before changing levels looking for a takedown but Crossi stuffs. Bagley is throwing heavy overhands as he closes the distance but its Crossi who has Bagley on the cage. Crossi is applying heavy pressure on the cage but Jake turns the action and is looking for a single leg. Crossi grabs a guillotine as the round ends...Close round 10-9 Crossi.

Round 2: Crossi comes out throwing a jab and Bagley continues to return fire with heavy shots as Crossi clinches up and has Bagley on the fence. Both fighters land some knees in the clinch but Crossi circles out and they return to center and exchange heavy combinations. Bagley clinches Crossi on the cage and threatens the takedown but Crossi once again reverses the action and has Bagley on the cage. They break and Basgley eats a jab as the round ends. 10-9 Crossi.

Round 3: Crossi comes out behind jabs yet again as Bagley looks to return with heavy strikes before clinching with Crossi and Bagley ends up with his back to the fence yet again. Crossi trips Bagley but will not follow him to the canvas as they get back to the feet and Crossi again pushes Jake to the fence. They break and Crossi lands a combination and continues to batter a covering Bagley. The 10 seconds signal comes and Jake backs into the fence and looks to survive but the referee stops the fight as Bagley continues to eat the shots of Crossi.

Decision: Guilherme Crossi defeats Jake Bagley by TKO (Referee Stoppage due to Strikes) at 2:59 of the third round. Crossi wins the vacant Premier FC Amateur Flyweight title.

Bout 6: Amateur Featherweight Title

Zac Richard (6-2-1, Nostos MMA) v. Yorrick Anderson (2-0, Radical MMA)

Round 1: Zac comes out and lands a right to the body and Anderson lands a combination as Richard comes across the casge for a takedown but Anderson gets right back to his feet and lands some slick combinations before ac Lands another takedown and gets on top of the striking Anderson and looks to work. Anderson uses an underhook to get up and trips Richard to the ground as the round ends...Close round 10-9 Anderson.

Round 2: Anderson comes out slinging Kicks and Richard changes levels and looks for the takedown but Anderson has Richard against the cage before they split. Yorrick lands a low leg kick on the break and Zac lands a nice overhand right to follow before exchanging combinations with one another. Richard uses a combination to set up a takedown that he lands as the round ends. 10-9 Richard.

Round 3: Richard lands a left to start the round and is answered with strikes from Yorrick. Yorrick clinches and they again are fighting on the cage but Anderson backs off and lands a kick to the body. Zac shoots for an ankle pick and gets the takedown and looks to work from top control in the center of the cage where the round ends. 10-9 Anderson.

Round 4: Yorrick comes out with a jab uppercut and Zac Comes forward clinching with a level change looking for the takedown , Andersona stuffs briefly and skips out of the single leg. Richard shoots again and is stuff and eats a combination for his troubles. Anderson is starting to open up with the striking as Richard goes for a takedown but its Anderson that ends up on top but Richard scrambles to his feet where he is met with kicks to end the round. 10-9 Richard.

Round 5: Richard comes out throwing bombs clearly knowing he has some ground to make up, Anderson clinches and takes Zac to the mat there he gets mount. Richard gives up his back to try to get to his feet and Anderson digs deep for the Choke as Zac continues to fight the hands. Anderson switches to hammerfists and Zac covers, Steve Rita steps in and calls a stop to this one as Zac is no longer answering the strikes on the ground.

Decision: Yorrick Anderson defeats Zac Richard by TKO (Ground and Pound) at 2:21 of the fifth and final round. Yorrick Anderson wins the Premier FC Amateur Featherweight Title.

Bout 7: Amateur Welterweight Title

Chris Almestica (4-4, Team Link) v. Cameron Resnisky (3-0, The Cage)

Round 1: Fighters exchange jabs at the bell and Almestica changes levels and takes Cameron down. Resnisky uses the cage to get back to his feet but Chris is on him heavy but Cameron turns the action but is immediately reversed and taken down by Alemstica but Cameron gets back to his feet, launches a thunderous double leg takedown and finishes Almestica with heavy ground and pound!

Decision: Cameron Resnisky defeats Chris Almestica by TKO (Ground and Pound) at 1:30 of the first round. Cameron Resnisky wins the Premier FC Amateur Welterweight title.

Bout 8: Welterweight

Jason Showers (Debut, Disorderly Conduct) v. Timmy Tyler (1-4, American MMA)

Round 1: Tyler comes out and backs Showers to the cage with some heavy shots and Tyler goes for the takedown and Showers lands an illegal knee on the ground that stops the action. Tyler takes about a minute to cover and we are back to action as Showers catches a body kick and dumps Tyler to the canvas where he looks for some ground and pound but Tyler explodes out and gains top position where he looks to inflict some damage. Showers recovers to guard as Tyler continues to work from guard as Showers threatens submissions from the bottom. Showers sells out on a triangle attempt that Tyler slips before landing some heavy ground and pound for the referee stoppage.

Decision: Timmy Tyler defeats Jason Showers by TKO (Ground and Pound) at 3:42 of the first round.

Bout 9: Featherweight

Raymond Yanez (5-19, Topp Dogg MMA) v. Kenny Champion (1-0, Golden Falcon)

Round 1: Kenny comes out behind the jab and lands some strikes before Yanez clinches and Kenny trips him to the canvas where Champion works from top control. Yanez is looking for submissions from his back but it getting answered with strikes from the athletic Champion. Yanez turns on his hip to try to escape and Champion lands heavy elbows to the head of Yanez for the stoppage.

Decision: Kenny Champion defeats Raymond Yanez by TKO (Elbow strikes from the top) at 1:50 of the first round.

Bout 10: Catchweight (180)

Stephen Stengel (4-14, Independent) v. Nick Alley (5-3, Team Link Hooksett)

Round 1: Stengel comes forward with strikes and looks for the takedown but its Alley who lands the takedown and gets on top of Stengel and works to mount. Alley works to isolate the choke and sinks in a deep arm triangle, Stengel bucks but Alley is heavy on top and Stengel has no choice but to tap.

Decision: Nick Alley defeats Stephen Stengel by Submission (Arm Triangle) at 1:22 of the first round.

Bout 11: Light-Heavyweight

Ron Marshall (1-2, Team Anubis) v. Larry Perna (Debut, Viking Academy)

Round 1: Marshall starts the action with a right hand and Perna CLinches and has Marshall on the fence. Perna is working hard for the takedown against the fence but Ron is doing a great job keeping his feet but Perna is persistent and finally lands the takedown and looks to work from the top in the half guard of Marshall. Ron uses the fence to stand but is immediately dumped to the canvas once again where Marshall looks to keep him close. Perna is working from side control and looking for the arm of Marshall but Ron fights out and Perna finishes the round on Marshall's back. 10-9 Perna.

Round 2: Marshall comes out throwing right hands and is answered with a right from Perna before Larry clinches and looks for another takedown against the fence. Perna eats some elbows from Marshall but gets the takedown for his troubles. Perna goes to work from the guard of Marshall before eventually moving to half guard. ROn gives his back to stand but Perna sinks his hips back to the mat before he can gain his feet. Perna keeps heavy pressure and Marshall sinks in the guillotine and pulls guard on it but Perna escapes. They scramble for position on the ground before they return to the feet and continue to fight from close range on the fence with Perna getting another takedown as the round ends with Perna on top landing elbows. 10-9 Perna.

Round 3: Marshall comes out with a stiff jab that lands before Perna clinches Marshall on the fence, they separate briefly but Perna clinches again and forces Marshall to fight with his back on the fence again. Perna lands some body shots that clearly appear to be effecting the condition of Marshall as Perna looks for another takedown on the fence. Marshall stuffs and they return to striking distance before Perna clinches again and looks content to grind this one out on the fence. Perna lands a single leg and works from side control looking for the late finish. Perna postures up and lands some heavy elbows to get the referee's stoppage.

Decision: Larry Perna defeats Ron Marshall by TKO (Elbows) at 4:38 of the third round.

Premier FC announces that Larry Perna will fight Sean Evans at the next Premier FC event.

Bout 12: Featherweight

Lionel Young (8-16, Citadel) v. Arslan Otchiyev (1-2, Golden Falcon)

Round 1: Arslan comes out behind strikes before shooting for a takedown putting Lionel against the cage where Arslan looks for a takedown. Arslan changes levels and lands the double leg and has Young in side control as he works with plenty of time on the clock. Arslan follows Young around the mat before taking his back but Young scrambles and gets top position, Arslan looks for an armbar but Young slips out into the triangle of Arslan. Young fights the triangle and ends up on top in the guard of Arslan where he finishes the round. 10-9 Otchiyev.

Round 2: Young comes out with jabs but Arslan shoots anyway and ends up in a d'arce attempt by Young. Arslan fights the choke and ends up on top before transitioning to Youngs back. Arslan locks in the body triangle as he looks for the neck of Lionel Young. Arslan switches grips and squeezes the neck of Young for the tap.

Decision: Arslan Otchiyev defeats Lionel Young by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 2:33 of round two.

Bout 13: Flyweight Title

Donnie Ballou (5-3, Alliance MMA) v. Josh Ricci (5-2, Mohawk Valley MMA)

Round 1: Ricci comes out looking to work the lead leg of Ballou and Ballou lands a right that drops Ricci to the canvas. Ballou hops on top of Ricci looking to end this fight early with a submission, Ballou gets his forearm under the chin of Ricci and sinks in the D'arce choke for the tap.

Decision: Donnie Ballou defeats Josh Ricci by Submission (D'arce Choke) at 1:11 of the first round. Donnie Ballou wins the Premier FC Flyweight Title.

Bout 14: Cruiserweight Title (Co-Main Event)

Ras Hylton (5-3, First Class MMA) v. Terrance Jean-Jacques (4-2, American Top Team)

Round 1: Ras comes out showing the Jab as Terrance shoots quick for a takedown and takes Ras to the mat there he looks to be heavy on top of the striker Ras Hylton. Terrance backs off for a second and looks to pass the legs of Ras but returns to the top were he continues to be heavy in his pursuit of Hylton. Terrance tries to create space but Hylton is doing a good job of keeping Terrance close on the ground and avoiding Jacques offense. Terrance finishes the round on top. 10-9 Jean-Jacques.

Round 2: Terrance wastes no time throwing a right hand and closing the distance and taking Hylton down. Terrance goes back to work on top of Hylton doing all he can to create space to finish this fight. Hylton scrambles but cannot escape as Terrance once again hops on Hylton and takes the back. Terrance flattens Hylton out and sinks his forearm under the chin of Hylton for the stoppage.

Decision: Terrance Jean-Jacques defeats Ras Hylton by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 2:53 of the second round. Terrance Jean-Jacques wins the Premier FC Cruiserweight Title, making him the first two division professional champion in the promotion's history.

Bout 15: Middleweight Title (Main Event)

Yu Ji (2-0, Radical MMA) v. Pat Casey (6-1, Arvelo MMA)

Round 1: Casey comes out swinging his right hand early as Ji looks to counter with short shots and one of Ji's right hands lands flush on the chin of Casey. Casey drops to the mat but gets up and looks like he is stumbled, Ji lands another shot that knocks Casey down again and Ji follows up for the finish.

Decision: Yu Ji defeats Pat Caset by TKO (Strikes) at 46 seconds of the first round. Yu Ji wins the Premier FC Middleweight title.

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